LabVine Learning Courses - LabLogic Innovators

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LabLogic Innovators

A collaboration between LabVine, ElevateQC, and Lab Professionals to reduce error rates and improve lab efficiency.

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About LabLogic Innovators

Join the focus group to participate in monthly virtual interactive meetings. We discuss laboratory quality control and risk management concepts, review studies and publications, preview new software with AI knowledgebase, and quantify participant improvements. We are working together to reduce error rates and improve laboratory efficiency.

Developed by:
Zoe Brooks
4 hours
Learning Mode:


  • Laboratory quality and risk management
  • Resources
  • Case studies
  • Software
  • Risk drivers' data submission and review
  • Q & A
  • Reviews and discussions of challenges
  • Challenging and training the AI knowledgebase to help solve your problems.



Zoe Brooks

Zoe Brooks is an expert in Medical Laboratory Risk Management who served on the committee to create CLSI EP 23A, “Laboratory Quality Control based on Risk Management. A recipient of the AACC Outstanding Speaker Award, she delights in involving the audience in presentations and ‘seeing the lights go on.’ Zoe has dedicated her career to making a difference in the world with a NEW risk management process and software program that improves patient care and reduces healthcare costs by reducing laboratory errors.​

Chapter 1: LabLogic Innovators

Session 2 - March 19th, 2024

1 hour

Recordings and resources of the 2nd interactive meeting where we learnt to define acceptable risk levels for current risk, and if analytical processes fail, submit QC data for one to three selected analytes. Verify our understanding of key best practice elements for risk management against an 80% benchmark.

Session 3 - April 23rd, 2024

1 hour

In Session 3, we looked at defining the True Values for each QC sample, Allowable Error Limits/Analytical Performance Standards, Acceptable Risk, and the Healthcare Cost of failure of Allowable Error Limits. Answering these can automate risk management, reduce patient risk, and improve healthcare!

Session 4 - May 28th, 2024

1 hour

This session's discussion focused on setting (and naming) the "True/Reference/Correct" value. What can you do if you have no peer data or are the only one in your peer group?

Session 5 - June 25th, 2024

1 hour

At Session 5, we filled in data in the RiskGATOR simulator and examined risk metrics for participants' QC samples. Working with your own data makes the picture so much clearer.