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The Laboratory Relevance Compass (LRC) Resources Index

Reference documentation providing background on the LRC and guidelines to apply the LRC to your business process.

By Jeremy Schubert, MBA, MPH | 18 June 2021

1. LRC Bridging Document

This document references articles about real-world Laboratory Medicine scenarios and perspectives that affected The Laboratory Relevance Compass (LRC).

2. Introduction to the LRC

This document introduces how the LRC will enable you and your lab teams to:

  1. Identify and agree on your perceived areas of strength;
  2. Identify and prioritize the areas of opportunity or improvement;
  3. Anticipate and prepare for the demands of the future; and
  4. Increase your impact and relevance to the health system at large;

focussing on the thirteen critical domains for laboratory success and sustainability.

3. LRC Guide

The LRC is a business process that should be reviewed on a six-monthly cycle to plan, collect, reflect and improve.  Assessment Teams are set up in LabVineindividual assessments completed, and the Team Report generated.

4. LRC Assessment User Manual

The best first step in any journey is always to clearly understanding where you are today.  The LRC Assessment is designed to help labs “geolocate” themselves relative to the likely future demands on their business.  It does this by helping identify areas of strength and opportunities for development.

This document explains the three areas in which the LRC is designed to deliver insights and foresight.  Support Area 1 being Problems, Pain Points, and Opportunities.  Support Area 2 is Transformation Levers and Support Area 3 is Quick Wins/Initial Actions.

The purpose of this manual is to help laboratory teams interpret the assessment results. There are three sections to this guide:

  1. Survey Overview
  2. Interpretation Support
  3. Conducting a Team Review

Utilizing this manual will help you gain the maximum insight from the data and enable you and your team to generate positive momentum for the future.

5. Conducting a Team Review

This document provides guidelines on conducting a Team Review after your team members completed the LRC Assessment. It covers the following topics:

  • meeting/workshop preparations;
  • agenda; 
  • emotional intelligence; 
  • meeting objectives; and 
  • actions.